Life Insurance Is Not Working

Life insurance is not working. Less than 6 of 10 people own life insurance. Of those who own life insurance policies, 71% are on term policies. 1% of all term policies pay a death claim, 25% of permanent insurances lapse within the first 3 years, and 40% within 10 years. It leaves about 1 in […]

Where to Find the Money

As a reminder, Kai-Zen requires 5 annual payments, the minimum per year based on age is from $22,000-440,000. So where do you find the money? 1. The preferred source of your current income 2. Your savings and investments 3. A non-qualified private pension deferred compensation plan with your employer 4. The equity in your home, […]

10-12 More Years to Prepare for Retirement

What if I could give you 10-12 more years to prepare for retirement? How do we do that? Leveraging your money to do the same thing your mortgage does for you in owning a home. Want to know more? Let’s get together!

Supercharge Your Retirement Savings: Leveraging OakTree’s Premium Finance Strategies

The Retirement Myth: Stock Market Investing Isn’t Enough It’s a common belief among executives and high earners that investing in the stock market will be enough to generate sufficient income during their retirement years. However, this assumption can be a costly misconception, especially if you’re one of the many who didn’t start saving for retirement […]

Leveraging Wealth: Unleash the Power of Other People’s Money with OakTree Premium Finance

The Art of Wealth Building: Mastering Leverage for High Returns Successful individuals understand that the path to building and preserving wealth often hinges on one crucial concept: leverage. The ability to use other people’s money to amplify your financial potential is a strategy embraced by those who have unlocked the secrets to financial success. At […]

Finding Balance in Volatile Markets: OakTree’s Option Hedging Strategy

In today’s unpredictable financial landscape, pursuing a growth strategy while safeguarding your assets against market downturns can feel like walking a tightrope. The relentless ebb and flow of the markets can leave investors feeling uncertain about their financial futures. At OakTree Premium Finance, we understand these challenges and offer a unique solution that provides both […]

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